The Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society joins the rest of the world in mourning the passing of Gordon Lightfoot. As an honorary GLSHS board member, his close ties to the organization and the Shipwreck Museum at Whitefish Point have remained steadfast throughout the years. He was a friend.

To Mr. Lightfoot, “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”, was more than just a hit song. Gordon truly cared about the families of the tragedy that occurred on that night of November 10, 1975. That was proven in 2015 when he came to Whitefish Point for the 40th remembrance of the sinking…but he came a day early. He wanted to meet and talk with the surviving Fitzgerald family members. He did not want to be the focus on November 10th. Gordon knew that was a day for the families, he was just that selfless and classy. The Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society will always be grateful for his kindness to us and the family members of the Edmund Fitzgerald… and it seems from now on every time the bell of the Fitzgerald tolls, his spirit will be a part of those 29 chimes.

His accomplishments as a singer/songwriter are extensive, but in his own words, the “Fitzgerald” was “my greatest achievement”. “It’s a song you can’t turn your back on. You can’t walk away from the people (victims) either. The song has a sound and total feel all its own” ~ Gordon Lightfoot.

Gordon Lightfoot was 84…rest in peace, friend.