We would like to take a moment to sincerely thank the many donors to our 2022 Annual Appeal, and give an update on our progress! Without your help, we would not be able to move ahead with the historic preservation and GLSHS mission related projects that in many cases, are nearing completion. But with that said, we have a list of new projects we’d like to tackle now that we have a couple of other projects crossed off the list!
Please keep us mind for your end of year giving, and your gifts are all tax-deductible! Check out some of our projects below.
Parking Lot Redesign
Our members and visitors are quite familiar with the parking lot at Whitefish Point, and its shortcomings. The Shipwreck Society was awarded a Federal Highway Scenic Byways Program grant for a new design of this lot in 2013, at which time plans were developed. Another Federal Highway Program, called the Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP), awarded a grant for its construction in 2020, but with the pandemic, these funds were put on hold, and since that time, the cost of the actual construction skyrocketed. As of December 2022, there is now enough FLAP funding for the Shipwreck Society to begin construction in 2023, but with a hefty match to the grant funds. The new lot will include barrier-free parking spaces, a dedicated, paved bike path, and much improved parking for automobiles, campers, and motorcoaches, as well as habitat restoration throughout the site. Contributions to this project will be used for the Shipwreck Society’s required match.
2nd Assistant Keeper’s Quarters:
A significant project accompanying the Parking Lot will be reconstruction of the historic 2nd Assistant Keepers Quarters, to be built in what is now the present lot. This building will eventually house introductory displays and staff to direct visitors to each of the three owners of Whitefish Point, namely the Shipwreck Museum, Michigan Audubon Society, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Contributions will be used directly for construction of this historic building….Read More
Development of Future Exhibits and Educational Outreach:
The Shipwreck Museum’s staff and board are well aware that, while we have a great number of museum exhibits presently that are fascinating to our audience, we must always be creating new exhibits, to continue to grow and educate our audience. An excellent example is the recent opening of the new Daniel J. Morrell exhibit that is now located in the U.S. Navy Radio Building. In addition, the ongoing restoration of Motor Lifeboat CG36381 is nearly complete, and it will be relocated to the recently reopened Motor Lifeboat House at Whitefish Point during the 2023 season.
Educational Outreach can take many forms…from the creation of fascinating shipwreck video documentaries that can be viewed worldwide, to GLSHS staff taking to the road to visit schools, libraries, museums, historical societies and maritime history conferences. All of which keeps the stories of shipwreck, lighthouse life and life-saving alive…which is a core function of our mission. A donation dedicated to educational outreach will support this aspect of GLSHS operations.
Underwater Research Activities:
In 2021, the crew of the Society’s Research Vessel David Boyd was highly successful in the deployment of Marine Sonic Technology side-scan sonar … and ultimately discovered nine new shipwrecks in Lake Superior. In 2022, we located yet another wreck…soon to be positively identified and announced. Funds are always sought to support this highly interesting operation of the Shipwreck Society – a direct window into our Maritime History. …Read More
General Contributions
In the support of museum operations, used for staffing, utilities, and maintenance, are welcome at any time. Please remember that the Great Lakes Shipwreck Society is a 501 c (3) charitable nonprofit organizations, and all contributions are tax deductible as provided by law. For questions relating to potential gifts, please contact Sean Ley, Development Officer, at 800-635-1742.